Sign up for VBS & Service Squad is OPEN!
June 10-13th (8:30 to Noon) will be our Vacation Bible School and Service Squad. Registration for participants and volunteers is open and we are so excited! Current 4-yr old Preschoolers through current 6th graders will have programming, and anyone currently in 7th grade and up is welcome to sign up to volunteer. A nursery will be provided for younger children of volunteers. (Adults – Contact Rev. Kristen Wright to volunteer at; youth contact Lee Ann at 251-272-0721, or
This summer we’ll be “diving into friendship with God” through Scuba VBS & Service Squad at Ashland Place UMC. Our younger kids will anchor at the church for Scuba Singing, Deep Bible Adventures, Imagination Station, Reef Recreation, Tidal Treats, and Sticky Scripture times that will make stories from the Bible something kids can’t wait to splash into! Older kids who have completed 5th and 6th grades will start the morning with everyone in Fellowship Hall but then our “crew” will sail out into the Mobile area to do local missions. Questions? Call 251-478-6356.